Tuesday, May 26, 2009


The following are confessions that will likely cost me street cred, but that's okay. I'm tired of living a lie.

With the exception of two songs, I don't really enjoy the music of Radiohead. I don't get it, I don't understand it. I'm sure they're musical geniuses, but the part of my brain that is needed to access the understanding of their music is missing. Given the choice between Radiohead and a much less complex punk band, I will always choose the punk band. Does this make me less musically cool? Short answer: yes.

Wes Anderson films - I don't really enjoy them. Before I saw "Bottle Rocket," I was told it was both "great" and "hilarious." Nope. "Rushmore" was allegedly the funniest movie ever. I didn't laugh. I mentioned this to a friend, who told me that "It isn't the kind of funny you laugh at." Setting aside the ridiculousness of that statement, I didn't enjoy "The Royal Tenenbaums" either. [I have yet to watch "The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou" or "The Darjeeling Limited."]

I think there's a certain "cool" factor behind movies like these, and artists like Radiohead. A certain "If you don't think these things are great, you really don't understand art" cache that goes with them. So does NOT enjoying them make me part of the unwashed masses that DON'T understand art? I was of the opinion that art is more subjective than anything, and that different types of art appeal to different people. For example, if I prefer Van Gogh to Picasso, does that make me less cool? Does that mean I just don't "understand" Picasso? Am I not advanced enough?

FYI, the two Radiohead songs I enjoy are "Creep" and "High and Dry."


liz said...

TOTALLY know what you mean about the movie thing!! I think certain people see those movies and rave about them to make themselves feel (and pretend to be) more sophisticated, cultured and worldly than they really are. As if telling another that you enjoyed this really srtsy movie will elevate you to some higher standard.

James said...

I also agree with the movie statement. I was listening to NPR and they were going over the movies this summer and were disappointed there were no "thinking" movies. I think people get into those thinking movies and talk about liking them because it affords them an elite feeling. I just want to be entertained!

Jen Hottinger said...

We can't all be as cool as Beth.