Thursday, June 25, 2009


Tonight, we perform at the Providence Improv Fest. Sky Punch is taking the stage at 8 pm for about half an hour of unscripted, unplanned hilarity. I am confident that we will do well, but I hesitate to say that we'll make it to Sunday's finals.

Part of this is the rather arbitrary judging criteria. We're not really sure how it goes, other than the audience that sees us rates us. Does it matter if we have forty people give us 10's, and one person gives us a 5, and another group has only two people attend, both of whome give them 10's? I honestly don't know.

Last year when we performed in the "Local Jam," I took the afternoon off, claiming I had a headache. I went to the zoo (to cure my headache, of course). This year, I am being more honest, saying that I want the whole day off to have less to worry about. I am going to the zoo again with my friends in an attempt to establish a personal tradition. Maybe the honesty this year will give me a few karmic points that could be applied to our audience score.

In any event, I'm excited to perform.

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