Thursday, July 05, 2007

I was in line at Quizno's today when the phone in the restaurant rang. One girl answered and gave it to another girl - let's put her in her late teens. After a half-minute of listening intently, she immediately started dancing and jumping up and down, obviously excited about something. Thinking perhaps she won free concert tickets or a thousand dollars, I asked the first girl if something good had happened.

"Yeah," she responded, "her boyfriend's in jail."

Although the initial reaction was wondering why someone would get as excited about this as they would about winning concert tickets (or a thousand dollars), my heart went out to this girl. She was positively gleeful that he was "in shackles right now" and "like, crying." The two Quizno's girls talked about how excited they hoped he would be in overnight so she would have time to "escape."

Why not let the girl go home if it's her one chance to get out of an abusive relationship? I'd like to believe - because I'm full of something like optimism - that people would understand the extra minute wait for their Prime Rib and Peppercorn if they knew what was going on.

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