Wednesday, July 11, 2007

So I am another year older, and with it come all the trappings of age. Cantankerousness, curmudgeonliness, and...colostomy? That's just gross. Cantankerousness, curmudgeonliness, and...cilantro? California? Cherry bombs? Civilian's Conservation Corps? Other words with C?

In any event, a staff meeting discussion about proofreading led to my reminscing about schooldays past, which led to this exchange...

ME: "I would walk uphill..."
OTHER 1: "Both ways..."
OTHER 2: " three feet of snow..."
OTHER 3: "...with no shoes..."
ME: "...and there I would learn the three R's. One of which was Rgrammar."

I had actually forgotten that one of the 3 R's was wRiting. Senior moments, I tell you...

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