Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Despite the fact that I have been an adult for almost thirteen years - at least in the eyes of the law - I have never felt like one. For example, I still feel awkward calling friends' parents by their first names.

This past week or so, I have apparently decided to try other things I consider adult. I bought my first pair of sunglasses (I had previously received a pair for pre-ordering a video game). I got sick of squinting and worrying about the visor when driving in the evenings, so boom - sunglasses it is. Now, I'm not exactly a fashion maven, so they aren't particularly stylish (or particularly unstylish), just functional.

Much more indicative of adult status - I bought cuff links this week. I purchased a white dress shirt some time ago and didn't realize it had French cuffs at the time. It has taken me the better part of two years, but I finally got around to buying cuff links so I could actually wear the shirt. The fact that I forgot to iron the shirt and didn't end up wearing it is immaterial - I have the means to do so.

And the third adult thing I'm working on this week is changing my own windshield wiper blades. I know the basics of how to change the oil in my car, but I've never done it on my own. My passenger side wiper has been terrible since this winter, so I finally got around to buying wiper blades yesterday. Granted, I called my dad to see if he thought there was any difference in brands of wiper blades (he didn't), but still...I'm taking care of my investment on my own. Boom. Adult.

Now, to reward myself for being an adult, I'll spend some time on the Internet. I'll just type in "adult entertainment" and see what - oh dear.

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